Leonardo Drawings.
Da Vinci's Anatomical Studies.

Leonardo da Vinci dissected bodies at night, by candlelight, drawing with a piece of cloth covering his mouth and nose, a world away from the comfortable surroundings associated with his portrait paintings. Leonardo was the first to draw a three-dimensional, depiction of the parts of the dissected body. He was also the first to accurately draw the child in the womb. His aim was to record the birth, life, and death of man in his Treatise on Anatomy, begun in 1489. The tragedy is that this work was never published, and knowledge that would have certainly advanced the medical science of the time was overlooked for years.

Study of a man's shoulder and neck by Leonardo da VinciMan's shoulders and neck 1510. (s) Pen and Ink Royal Library, Windsor Castle
Study of arms and shoulders, Leonardo da Vinci.Arm and Shoulder, 1515 (s) Studies of the muscles of the right arm from the back.
Study of the arm and shoulder by Leonardo da VinciArm and shoulder. (s) The muscles of the right arm from the front.
Studies of hands, Leonardo da Vinci.Studies or the arm and the hand. 1510. (s)
Studies of the bones of the arm, Leonardo da Vinci.Pen and ink with black chalk.
Child in the womb by Leonardo da VinciChild in the womb. (c. 1510) (w) Royal Library, Windsor Castle.
Foetus by Leonardo da VinciFoetus. 1510 (s)
Mans legs compared to a horse, Leonardo da Vinci.Man's legs compared with those of a horse. 1506-07 (s)
The back view of a skeleton by Leonardo da Vinci.The back view of a skeleton. (s) A study from 1513, pen and ink on blue paper.
Two skulls by Leonardo da VinciTwo skulls. 1489 (s) Pen and ink, Royal Windsor Collection.
Anatomy of the eye by Leonardo da Vinci.Anatomy of the eye, a section of a man's head. (s) Red chalk, pen, and ink. Royal Library, Windsor Castle.
Abdominal organs by Leonardo da Vinci.The abdominal organs. 1508-09 (s) Pen and ink. Royal Library, Windsor Castle.
Studies of the heart of an ox by Leonardo da Vinci
Study of the heart of an ox by Leonardo da Vinci.Studies of the heart of an ox, 1513 (s)

Pen and ink on blue paper.
Royal Library, Windsor Castle.

Anatomical study by Leonardo da Vinci.Anatomical Study. (s) Pen and ink and black pencil on paper. Windsor Royal Collection.

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